Tuesday, July 15, 2008

New blog to host details of our trip to Austria

To allow the other team members to publish posts to our blog I have created a separate blog for our trip. This can be viewed here http://psbcteam.blogspot.com

Please check that blog instead for updates during the week posted by the team.

Friday, July 11, 2008

About to head off to Austria

Joanne and I are about to head out to Austria for 10 days and serve an International Teams group helping refugees. We're both excited about our trip and I guess a little apprehensive about what we'll be getting up to although we have been given some idea. We'll be up nice and early in the morning trying to fit the 6 suitcases of our clothing and aid into a Jeep along with 2 buggies and 4 passengers - wish us luck! 

Altogether there are 5 of us traveling out all from Priory Street Baptist Church, Joan, Dan, Will, Jo my wife, and myself.

Following the request of a colleague I hope to post some blog entries and possibly even some photos while we are out there so people can keep track of our work. If you're new to the world of blogs and RSS feeds then take a look at Google Reader as a way to automatically subscribe to this and many other sites news.

All the best for now.
Adrian (& Joanne) 

Monday, August 13, 2007

New website

I have just created a new website and blog for Jo and I to update family and friends with photos and news.

Check it out at http://www.pillingers.co.uk